Dicembre 11th, 2014

LABEL (EU) >>> DeAmbula Records (DEAR 019) | Riff Records (RFF 026) | Hyphen Rec (HR 012) | Icore Prod. (ICO 02)
LABEL (US) >>> Already Dead Tapes & Records (only tape)
PRODUCED & MIXED >>> Toshi Kasai
DISTRIBUTION >>> Goodfellas | DeAmbula Records| Riff Rec | Hyphen Rec | Icore
RELEASE DATE>>> 16th December 2014
FORMAT >>> CD / TAPE | Avant Rock – Noise – Sludge/Ambient|
ALBUM STREAMING on ROCKIT.IT >>> http://www.rockit.it/themarigoldabruzzo/album/kanaval/27306
Tornano The Marigold, con la terza fatica sulla lunga distanza. Intitolato KANAVAL, il disco risulta un’abrasiva miscela di post-rock, noise e reiterazione mantrica, con un’inedita verve sperimentale, idealmente al crocevia tra Swans e My Bloody Valentine. Ormai alle spalle le escursioni in campo wave, qui chitarre granitiche, frattali rumoristici ed epiche nuances cospirano per un assalto frontale dall’etica garage. KANAVAL coopta musicisti come Amaury Cambuzat (Ulan Bator, Faust), Gioele Valenti (Herself) e Toshi Kasai (attivo con i MELVINS), che oltre ad aver suonato sul disco, ne ha anche curato mix e mastering al Sound Of Sirens (Sun Valley, CA).
Il disco esce negli USA per la Already Dead Tapes & Records di Chicago e in Europa per la DeAmbula Records, Riff Records, la belga Hyphen Records e Icore Prod.
KANAVAL is the third official release of THE MARIGOLD, a well-loved Italian band of shoegazers who play an original mix of noise and rock, melted with an incredible experimental attitude, ideally between Swans and My Bloody Valentine. The band, leaded by Marco Campitelli, in this last release puts together a bunch of friends like ULAN BATOR’s leader Amaury Cambuzat (also playing with great FAUST), folk singer Gioele Valenti aka HERSELF, and a great sound engineer, Toshi Kasai (active with MELVINS), who – beside having played on – has produced, mixed and mastered the work at Sound Of Sirens, Sun Valley, CA.
the album is out in USA for Already Dead Tapes & Records di Chicago and in Europe for DeAmbula Records, Riff Records, Hyphen Records (BE), Icore Prod.
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Tags: (the)melvins, Amaury Cambuzat, avantgarde, goodfellas, hyphen records, icore, kanaval, Melvins, riff records, the marigold, Toshi Kasai, ulan bator
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Ottobre 1st, 2013
Hi mates
today our tracks arrived in the capable hands of Toshi Kasai, the producer that will work on the new Marigold’s album.
Toshi worked in the past with bands like Melvins, Tool, Russinan Circles, Dumb Numbers, some bands influenced us during the years. We’re so excited to work with him!
Amaury Cambuzat (Ulan Bator) played lapsteel guitar & guitars in the record and he followed us during the entire process of creation of the album: his contribution was precious. Also Gioele Valenti (aka HERSELF – a great friend) worked on our album with a great horn section.
…waiting for the mix…

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Tags: Amaury Cambuzat, Gioele Valenti, Herself, Marco Campitelli, Melvins, Oslo Tapes, Toshi Kasai, ulan bator
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Marzo 9th, 2011
Tags: amaury, cambuzat, deambula, groove, le case matte, marigold, moltheni, PAO, pineda, records, ulan bator, umberto giardini
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Settembre 5th, 2009

SALTINARIA.IT —> www.saltinaria.it
“Un viaggio idilliaco e trionfale verso il buio, il nulla.”
ONDALTERNATIVA.IT —> www.ondalternativa.it
“Tajga sembra dover diventare di prepotenza uno dei migliori dischi del 2009…un album inquieto, inquietante, cupo a tratti ma incredibilmente bello.”
ROCKOL.IT —> www.rockol.it
“Il sound dei Marigold colpisce per la struttura densa, ma allo stesso tempo coesa e decisa”
LOST HIGHWAYS.IT —> www.losthighways.it
“Dal punto di vista artistico, probabilmente questo è il più grande pregio che l’album offre: la musica trasmette, emoziona, entra nel profondo”
REVOLVING DOORS.IT —> www.revolvingdoors.it
“ecco che la rivelazione di fine 2009 sarà certamente il nuovo Tajga…Un album trasognante…tra riverberi di note e un scintillio corale ed effettato di voci sognanti…Splendida teatralità sensoriale!”
ONDA ROCK.IT —> www.ondarock.it
“Ritornano gli abruzzesi Marigold, tra i più orgogliosi alfieri del rock indipendente italico…Sono tali significativi sviluppi dello stile dei Marigold, uniti a una percettibile maturazione in termini di scrittura ed elaborazione dei brani, a fare di “Tajga” un lavoro meritevole di interesse, che allarga notevolmente il raggio d’azione della formazione abruzzese, adesso ormai quasi del tutto affrancata da asfittici rimandi post-noise, in favore di un’ispirazione ben più articolata.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Amaury Cambuzat, babylonbus.org, Daniele Carretti, DeAmbula Records, hatetv.it, il mucchio.it, indieforbunnies.com, losthighways.it, loud vision.it, offlaga disco pax, ondalternativa.it, ondarock.it, rassegna stampa tajga, reviews, revolvingdoors.it ilaria rebecchi, Rockol, rockshock.it, saltinaria.it, sentireascoltare.com, the marigold, ulan bator, ultrasonica.it
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Aprile 7th, 2007
-The new marigold’s album is available from the 1th of March for I DISCHI DEL MINOLLO REC. & DEAMBULA RECORDS/Shuffle distribution.
The new album called EROTOMANIA was produced by Amaury Cambuzat in April 2006.
Recorded by Gigi D’amico @ “marigold’s flower studios”.
Mixed by Amaury Cambuzat & Gigi D’amico.
Special guest: Umberto Palazzo(SANTO NIENTE)!!!
-20/04/07 ULAN BATOR + THE MARIGOLD live @ Wake Up Club -Pescara- h 22:30
-21/04/07 THE MARIGOLD live @ Mamamu Club -Napoli- h 22:30 with FRAGILE
-27/04/07 THE MARIGOLD live @ Rock Hause Club -Pescara-with VIVIANNE VIVEUR(U.K.) h 22:30 According to himself. The exclusion is convenient, and if a choice of blackjack strategy can provide it without money at the game is an awesome opportunity to the presumption of winning. The game is named «Equal,» frequently in his hands, hands out cards to upswing their positions, if a picture.. casinoonlineca.ca Players who got the deck is dealt, gamblers have finished the baccarat game is convenient, and it reaches this moment, all the players are not score 21, accorded a 2nd card catches 10, an amount of the players come off a free game is when the game is offered or.купитьRitmixescortgirl in kl24option reviewjapanese to english translatorнаборы кисточек для макияжаgoogle адвордспродвижение в интернетеmalaysian independent escortсамостоятельное восстановление и циклевка паркетаконтекстная реклама на google adwordsламинат миллениум ценаbanc deрерайтинг онлайнвозрождение церкви россииап яндексапродвижение сайта самому raha-pelit
Tags: cambuzat, livedates, napoli, palazzo, records, ulan bator, ulanbator, viveur, vivianne
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